Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Osprey Have Returned.....

Every day for the past week I have been diligently keeping watch for the Osprey.
Yesterday afternoon on my drive home I saw that three had finally arrived back at their old roosts. They were not there in the morning on my drive to work and none were seen in the an afternoon arrival it was....So this morning I saw four, two were on one roost as a pair.
The other two were on separate roosts a good distance apart. They were busy readying their nests. It was interesting seeing them doing their "spring house cleaning' in preparation for creating a new family.
Yesterday it felt so good to see the safe return of these birds...a relief in it is just wait and see if the other mates return safely as well.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Passing Of A Wonderful Creature...APACHE...

On three separate occasions I had the privilege to be able to photograph this amazing animal. The first time I ever saw this wolf and the pack I had to struggle to compose myself because all I wanted to do was cry...I was so moved by them.
An amazing powerful creature the wolf...loved by many and reviled by some others. I am in the legion of those who believe the wolf should be reintroduced throughout the United States. Not a thoroughly popular idea...but none the less I shall continue to support this idea until my last days upon this earth...
Apache died on March 10, 2010 from cancer....
To learn more about this wonderful beautiful soul...go to
My heart felt sympathy goes to the workers at the Wolf Conservation Center..thanks for all your hard work everyday...for caring for these wonderful animals and for making the Wolf Center possible.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sanibel crocodile lived full, peaceful life on 'Sanctuary Island' - Topix

Sanibel crocodile lived full, peaceful life on 'Sanctuary Island' - Topix

Look in my March 2009 entries for the photos I took on one of my trips to "Ding Darling".

For coyotes, at least, study finds New Englanders a special breed - The Boston Globe

For coyotes, at least, study finds New Englanders a special breed - The Boston Globe

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Caught these two in the act of eating their way through a neighbor's yard  one morning while I was on my way to work. They were having a blast ripping their way through some delicious flowers. I just lowered my window a just shot away. They just looked up occasionaly to keep a watchful eye on me and drifted back into grazing mode.
I found this happy little soul on a beach in Sanibel, Florida.